Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It's Not the Answers that Matter.

How often do we as individuals search for the answers? The answers to a test, to our problems, to debt, to heartache, to life, the universe and everything? As great of an answer that 42 is, somehow, it just doesn't cut it. We search deeper. We look longer and travel further and farther than ever before, hoping that we will have that moment of rapture when we find the magic answer. Some of us turn to money, another to love and still another to solitude. Despite the differences in methods, we all seek the same thing: answers.

I've reflected on this perpetual human search. There's something inside of each of us that yearns for a better world. The solution, I've found, isn't, in fact, with the solution. Rather, the solution is questions. Not just any old question will do, but the right question. Too frequently we think that it will all be better when we have the answer. Yet, I have found that to find the answer, we must first ask the right questions. Of whom do we ask, then? It's simple. Of yourself, of God, of your mother or your friend, whomever you need. In reality there is only one who will have all of the answers, but He is waiting to hear our queries. Many many times, He will answer those queries through others. That means that our questions shouldn't be solely asked of Him, but also of those in whom we trust and love. When we ask the right questions of the right people, we start down the right road to the right solution. 

Now, this doesn't mean that we will always find an easy answer or a quick resolution to our conundrum. Certainly not. Rather, it means that we will grow and develop along the way as we push our limits and the limits of others. We step outside of ourselves as we seek the questions that will give us answers. You can't start a race at the finish line, you must start at the beginning. In this life, the beginning is the right question. The finish line only comes after the journey between the question and the answer. 

One of the most frightening things about asking questions is the doubt that it can raise in our hearts. To that, I have only this to say. There are times when it is cast into the heart of men to doubt. A man of principle and faith will stand and fight for his cause. Though the darkness encroach upon his heart, he will grasp the shreds of light that live in his heart to conjure a sharp and terrible sword. The truths that live in him in tandem with eternal law are forged into the bane of this darkness. In the sight of fleeting shadows and dwindling dimness, the truth survives a day more in the heart of this man.

Seek the truth, ask the right questions. Live a little. If we could all live a little more like this, I think we would all find that the answers aren't so far away. Many times, they are inside of us. It's the journey that we have to take that will test us to the very limit. I think this little clip of a very inspiring film will help me with my point.  

Sometimes to find negative #25 we must cross into the dangerous and untold portions of our heart. God speed you in your journey.