Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Family, for which I am grateful.... Welcome to our Blog

Our Family

This is us, The Simpsons.  Myself, my beautiful wife (Mariann), and our 6 great children, (Jessica, Kylie, Andrew, Jacob, Stephen and Lindsey).  Over the last two years we've had the opportunity to share a blog of Andy's mission.  Each week he would write to Mariann and I and then I'd take what he wrote in each letter and try to weave it into something that was informative, and inspirational, as well as true to his experiences. I'd post the blog each Monday (or Tuesday) on Andy's Facebook page, and on mine as well.  We had numerous positive comments from these posts and felt like it was a great way to share the triumphs and trials he was going through as he served the Lord in Uruguay.

When he got home in mid-August we all got together for the first time in two years.  It was a wonderful opportunity to laugh, and hug, and laugh, and catch up.  There was even a little silliness going on.  OK, there were times of a lot of silliness .

Our awesome crew

However, all too soon it was time to get back to our regularly scheduled lives.  Which meant the three oldest left California to go back to their various colleges: (BYU, BYU-I and USU).  Jacob started college here in Livermore, Stephen and Lindsey went back to school as well, and Mariann and I resumed our work, home, and transportation duties.    But, the more we thought about it, the more we felt like we had other adventures, and troubles we wanted to share.  Both with each other, and with our friends, and extended family.  

It was Jessica's idea that we should create a family blog centered on the blessings of the Lord in our lives and how we see His hand in the struggles, and achievements we encounter on this mortal journey. Being the geeks we are, when we pondered a name for the blog we landed on the title "There and Back Again". Thank you J.R.R. Tolkien and Bilbo Baggins.  Therefore, being the Dad, I get to start, but as we go along everyone will also add thoughts and posts.

For my part, I am grateful for all my children, and for their Mother who has taught them so well their entire life.  I feel happy and blessed to be their Dad.  They are an amazingly talented and diverse set of people. Each of them cut from their own mold, and we wouldn't have it any other way.  Yet together the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle fit together to form a beautiful family mural full of color, variety, love and happiness.

So here you have it, our family blog.  Please feel free to read along, and comment too.  We hope you enjoy it, and know we will have fun sharing.

Dad (Jeff)
- The Simpsons


  1. What a great blog Simpson family! We enjoy hearing about all the adventures you go on and about the wonderful experiences you are having. Thanks for inviting us along on your unexpected journey. ;)
    The Witt Family

    1. Thanks Jen, Love the hobbit reference as well.

  2. I think I'm... quite ready for another adventure.

  3. I'm excited to follow along. I love you guys!
