Monday, September 30, 2013

The Journey is Far From Over, But There is Always Goodness Along the Way

    As the genius behind this blog, I have been looking forward to my first post for quite awhile. I entered this last week with great anticipation, sure I would have so many ideas I couldn't possibly pick one. But then this week was hard, just like the previous three weeks. Quite honestly, life hasn't been this hard in a long time. Nothing seems to be going right. I knew earlier this year that going to graduate school was a good decision, and living in my current apartment was a good choice. The only real "yes" I seemed to get from my prayers was that I should stay around Provo. So I started school, willingly accepted a calling, and became excited about new opportunities to be social. I was going to excel in school, there were going to be lots of really handsome men in my area to date, and I was going to have overall balance.
    Then reality hit. And I have more homework than I have ever had, I am not sleeping well and so find myself tired and irritable, and my ward calling is outrageously demanding. This week I was going to quit school because it's a lot of work, it isn't fun anymore, and one of my professors said his job was to "squash my passions". That's so nice. My job is filled with paperwork. I am unsure about my dating life (or lack thereof), and it seems like all my attempts to be social end with bitter disappointment. And Frankie, my betta, is reaching the end of his fishie life. More than once in the last couple weeks I have knelt down at the end of the day and felt so far away from God that I wonder if He can even hear me, or worse, if I will be able to hear Him through all the outside noise. I have shed lots of tears, felt miserable, and wondered what I can do to feel happy again. Life is about being joyful, and my life is so good! What is there really to complain about? But I've struggled with it just the same.
    Yesterday I was able to listen to a really great Relief Society lesson. The lesson was about self esteem, self worth, and self confidence. And since I seem to have less of all three of those lately, the lesson was for me. The teacher gave four pointers for feeling good: 1. Positive Affirmations; 2. The Rule of Three; 3. Stop Stinkin' Thinkin'; 4. Optimism.
1. Positive Affirmations. Every day I need to get up saying good things about myself and others. When I think of affirmations, I think of two YouTube videos:

I have great qualities, so why wouldn't I remind myself of the great gifts God has given me on a daily basis?
2. The Rule of Three. Every night before bed, I have to think of three great things that happened. And for each thing I also have to write down 3 ways that event could have gone worse and 3 ways that event could have gone better. It's a nice way to gain perspective.
3. Stop Stinkin' Thinkin'. I need to stop being negative. I need to forgive others their shortcomings. People usually mean well, and are rarely unkind on purpose. And I need to forgive myself for my faults and mistakes. I can't escape my baggage and move forward until I forgive myself and realize that God will still use me and bless me, despite my imperfections.
4. Optimism. I just need to be positive. In uncertain times, I can expect the best. When life is rough, I can still know great things will come from God. He has never let me down yet.

    So the moral of today? The journey is far from over. And there are bumps still to come. But with a positive attitude and God on my side, I will cross the finish line with triumph!
And so will you. God bless you today and always. He will.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lessons learned from my wee Hobbits who have left the Shire

As our children have grown and the 3 oldest have left home, it has given me pause to think about  some of the things I have learned from them.  When Jessica returned home from her mission several years ago, she taught me the importance of remaining on my knees to listen, when I am through praying to my Heavenly Father.  I have tried to implement that in my life and have felt closer to Him by being still and listening.  

Kylie has been here to live with us for a few months at a time on a couple of occasions over the last year and a half and has taught me a wonderful lesson!  Every morning when she awakens, she spends time studying the scriptures.  She says that if she doesn’t do it first thing, that it won’t get done.  I am much older than she is, but through her example, I have come to realize the truth of what she says.   I cannot count the times that I missed studying the scriptures because I let other “stuff”  get in the way.  Now, as much as possible, I CHOOSE to study early in the morning, right after the kids head off to school, before I begin other things.  What a difference that makes in my day.  I feel lighter, and happier!  

When Andrew returned home from his mission in August, he taught me about making wise media choices.  It is my choice what kinds of movies, books, music, games, etc. that I allow into my life.  And, whether I choose to waste time on things that will not help me grow and become more like our Savior, is, of course, my choice.  He is working hard to walk the path of discipleship and continues to inspire me to work and change.  

I know that Heavenly Father sent me the best “Hobbits” to help me stretch and grow as I walk the path back to our Heavenly Home!

With gratitude,

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Camping We Will Go

Last week, my Dad and I got to go on a Daddy-Daughter camp out with some of the girls and their Dads from our church. We laughed, sang songs, got hyped up on sugar, laughed more, and just got to experience an amazing and memorable weekend on the evening of Friday the 13th.
My good friend Amanda and I dorking around, and being the silly pair that we are!!

 Luckily, no serious afflictions befell us, and we got to have a great time. Being out in the wilderness with family and friends, made me realize that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created this beautiful world, and all of its creatures, just for us.  That just shows how much He truly cares for us. I am so thankful for my Dad, and for my Heavenly Father who lives and loves us.
Some of the girls: Anna, Amanda, Eliza, Elizabeth and I, enjoying our last day out in the wilderness! 
Thanks for being the best Dad you could possibly be. Love you. <3
-Lindsey (the chica)     

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Family, for which I am grateful.... Welcome to our Blog

Our Family

This is us, The Simpsons.  Myself, my beautiful wife (Mariann), and our 6 great children, (Jessica, Kylie, Andrew, Jacob, Stephen and Lindsey).  Over the last two years we've had the opportunity to share a blog of Andy's mission.  Each week he would write to Mariann and I and then I'd take what he wrote in each letter and try to weave it into something that was informative, and inspirational, as well as true to his experiences. I'd post the blog each Monday (or Tuesday) on Andy's Facebook page, and on mine as well.  We had numerous positive comments from these posts and felt like it was a great way to share the triumphs and trials he was going through as he served the Lord in Uruguay.

When he got home in mid-August we all got together for the first time in two years.  It was a wonderful opportunity to laugh, and hug, and laugh, and catch up.  There was even a little silliness going on.  OK, there were times of a lot of silliness .

Our awesome crew

However, all too soon it was time to get back to our regularly scheduled lives.  Which meant the three oldest left California to go back to their various colleges: (BYU, BYU-I and USU).  Jacob started college here in Livermore, Stephen and Lindsey went back to school as well, and Mariann and I resumed our work, home, and transportation duties.    But, the more we thought about it, the more we felt like we had other adventures, and troubles we wanted to share.  Both with each other, and with our friends, and extended family.  

It was Jessica's idea that we should create a family blog centered on the blessings of the Lord in our lives and how we see His hand in the struggles, and achievements we encounter on this mortal journey. Being the geeks we are, when we pondered a name for the blog we landed on the title "There and Back Again". Thank you J.R.R. Tolkien and Bilbo Baggins.  Therefore, being the Dad, I get to start, but as we go along everyone will also add thoughts and posts.

For my part, I am grateful for all my children, and for their Mother who has taught them so well their entire life.  I feel happy and blessed to be their Dad.  They are an amazingly talented and diverse set of people. Each of them cut from their own mold, and we wouldn't have it any other way.  Yet together the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle fit together to form a beautiful family mural full of color, variety, love and happiness.

So here you have it, our family blog.  Please feel free to read along, and comment too.  We hope you enjoy it, and know we will have fun sharing.

Dad (Jeff)
- The Simpsons